e:EQE discussion paper

The epi-learning.org website (this item open access) and the epi Forum (epi members only) provide a discussion paper providing "a general concept of a new e:EQE for the future, not a detailed exam setup" (for -at the earliest- EQE 2024 and later). 

The paper has been made available to allow all epi members (not just members from the PEC and the Council) to comment on the paper. On the epi Forum, members are invited to comment before 30 May 2021.

In the Preamble of the paper, the paper indicates that:

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Qualifying Examination was held online in March 2021. Although the e:EQE in 2021 was not perfect, the EQE of 2022 and 2023 will have more or less the same structure. The format of the EQE can only be changed from 2024 at the earliest because any changes have to be written into the Regulations and the candidates must be informed well in advance. If changes are to be effected from 2024, it is now time to propose a new structure of the EQE.

As "General drivers and boundary values" the paper provides:

"Updating the EQE to a new model gives the possibility to make the exam fit for the future and more effective for both students and the profession.

When updating the EQE, it is important to maintain standard and avoid lowering the bar in an unacceptable way. Accordingly, candidates will still need to spend a lot of time studying for the EQE. However, the workload can be redistributed to better fit the candidates’ development by introducing a progressive learning roadmap which builds in complexity towards the final exams and subsequent qualification.

There is a strong desire amongst different stakeholders to move towards a multi-level modular approach instead of the current pre-exam followed by a 20-hour main examination condensed in one week.

It is also desired that each module does not exceed 2 hours.

On-the-job training, support and supervision by a qualified professional representative is retained as an essential element of the proposed alternative e:EQE setup. Additionally, the current minimum training period is retained but not necessarily as a requirement to sit the final exams."

The paper proposes a modular e:EQE setup (please refer to the complete paper for full details, as well as for a proposed resitting policy, mapping current EQE and proposed e-EQE, and transitional arrangements):

"The e:EQE is a sit-anywhere exam (like the 2021 EQE). It is noted that the burden of creating the exam conditions is on the candidates. However, the flexibility and the avoidance of travel appear to balance this burden. 

The proposed new e:EQE is split into two main examination tracks, the Practical track and the Legal track. Each track is modular, and each track requires different training, different preparation and – to an extent – different testing. Alongside the examination tracks, training also needs to be completed under the supervision of a qualified European patent attorney. 

- The Practical Track tests the day-to-day activities of a professional representative, such as drafting, amendment and opposition. As explained below, there is some but not complete overlap with the familiar Papers A, B and C but additional topics are also introduced. 

- The Legal Track tests the candidates’ knowledge of the relevant legal provisions as defined in the syllabus, and their ability to apply that knowledge in solving a complex legal problem. 

The respective modules in both tracks are progressive in level, preparation and experience that is required to pass."

The proposed exams at the end of the Practical and Legal Track Modules P1, P2, P3, L1 and L2 are proposed to have a duration of 2 hours (P1, P2, L1 as smart MCQ; P3 open Q; L2 hybrid). The final exam in the Practical Track are proposed to be 3 parts of 2 hours each (free text); the final exam in the Legal Track is proposed to be one 3 hours exam (free text) - as summarized in Annex A of the paper, shown below:

With respect to the supervisory period of Art.11(2) REE, the paper notes that:

"While the exam is a central assessment for testing candidates on the various aspects of being fit-to-practise, it is noted that the modular system may enable some candidates to pass before completion the 3-year period that is currently set by Art. 11(2)(a) REE. It is therefore recommended that a period of at least 3-years is maintained before entry on the list can be requested, even if the candidate has passed the Final Exams before the 3 years have been completed."

The discussion paper concludes with:

"In view of the digitalisation of the European Qualifying Examination, we have an opportunity to reconsider the structure and content of the Exam. 

In this position Paper, epi presents a new e:EQE with a modular structure that safeguards the high quality of the current EQE. In the proposal, both the restrictions (e.g. maximum screen time) and the benefits of an electronic examination (e.g. MCQ and autocorrection) are combined to provide a proposal which lowers the burden of time-consuming correction work and spreads the workload for the candidates.

Although this position paper presents a lot of detail related to the format of the EQE, a lot of other things are presently not considered, as they depend on the choice of testing. For many of these aspects professional advice needs to be sought, such smart MCQ setup and automarking of free text, the choice of open vs closed book, exam fees, or the frequency and timing of the exam modules."

The epi-learning.org page provides (cited integrally, no changes made):


The EPO is moving forwards with an online e-EQE.  In 2022 and 2023, there are likely to be technical improvements to the current platform and relatively minor changes to the papers to better suit a digital examination.  However, the digitalisation of the EQE is being used as the catalyst for a much more ambitious project and the EQE will change significantly in the future.

As set out in the attached paper, the aim is to update the EQE to a new model which better tests the “fit-to-practise” criterion and makes the examination more effective for both students and the profession.  The key changes are to move to a more modular system with each module lasting at most two hours.  It is hoped that the new model can be in place from 2024.

Please note that this is a general concept at this stage and there are likely to be further refinements and changes. By preparing this paper, the Digitalisation Support Group (DSG) and the PEC EQE subcommittee have prepared a tangible option for an EQE that is suitable for online examination, whilst maintaining a high quality.

This discussion paper will be discussed in the e:EQE Working Group and at the epi Council e-meeting on 8 May 2021.

Click here to download the paper. 

On the epi forum, the PEC posted the discussion paper with the invitation to all epi Members (i.e., all European patent attorneys) to provide comments on the firum itself or via email. The forum post is cited integrally below, no changes made (except the email address has been hidden - please refer to the epi Forum):


Dear epi Member,

The attached discussion paper is posted so that any epi members may provide comments or feedback that they would like to be considered. Please note the paper discusses a general concept at this stage and there are likely to be further refinements and changes. The next review will take place in June and thus comments are invited before 30 May 2021. If you would prefer to send comments by email, please send them t[email address at the bottom of epi-learning.org].

As set out in the paper, the aim is to update the EQE to a new model which better tests the “fit-to-practise” criterion and makes the examination more effective for both students and the profession. The key changes are to move to a more modular system with each module lasting at most two hours. It is hoped that the new model can be in place from 2024.

Separately, there are discussions regarding improvements to the Wiseflow platform and other changes to improve the candidates' experiences for 2022 and 2023. If there is a need we can set up a separate thread to post suggestions for more immediate change but I would prefer to keep these discussions separate from those on the discussion paper.

For completeness, please note that the paper has also been sent to training providers and national representative bodies. The paper was also presented to Council in May.

Thank you for your comments.
Professional Education Committee



  1. (I am an EQE student, I sat paper D in 2021 and plan to sit papers A, B and C in 2022)

    I have a few thoughts on this - for example, I like the idea of spreading the exams out over the course of the training, but I don't love the idea of there being MORE exams. However, my main issue with this is that it seems that as a trainee I cannot comment on the discussion paper. As far as I can tell (but please do correct me if I am mistaken), only full epi members (i.e. qualified European patent attorneys) can access the epi Forum.

    1. https://patentepi.org/en/epi-bodies/epi-committees/professional-education-committee-pec/committee-members.html:

      The PEC can also be reached via pec@patentepi.org or via education@patentepi.org.

    2. Thank you!

  2. Now they say that they want to add two more tests and extend testing to occur over a minimum of three years instead of a minimum of two?

    Just another reason why it is so important for candidates to sit all four main exams in the same year - the longer you drag it out, the more opportunities there are for the EPO to change up the testing format on you in some way that inevitably reduces the effectiveness of your preparation efforts.

    1. I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to say here, could you explain? They're not suggesting making this change any time soon (I believe the earliest date they have given is 2024) and I doubt that they would force candidates who have already taken one of the EQEs to switch to the new format? I'm not really sure how they could do that, since my understanding is that the point is to begin the testing earlier in your training, so that it can be spread out throughout your time as a trainee - i.e. you'd still qualify at the same time, you'd just star taking exams earlier.

      MY guess is that when they bring in this new system it would actually only apply to any trainees who are just beginning their training, rather than those who have 1, 2, 3, or more years experience already.

    2. Check when pre-examination got introduced: when it came, new comers had no choice, candidates that already took one of the main exam papers were not put back to pre-examination. You can think of similar provisions in view of Annex B of discussion paper if you already sat a main examination paper or a pre-examination. If you did not yet take the pre-examination, it will cost you some additional time as you will need to take L1 and P1 first. Same as now, of you have 10 years experience, you also need to pass pre-examination before sitting main.

    3. At last two Anonymous,
      Have you checked the Transitional provisions table proposed in page 7 of the discussion paper? Depending on which exams you have passed when the new format comes into force, any remaining papers you will have to do in the new system, according to the suggestion. So potentially 1-2 cohorts will be affected if you have any papers left to pass

    4. Generally agree with the OP - format shifts are typically unwelcome as they leave people preparing for the exam with less material to study with and less idea of what it is that they have to do. And, urgh, coursework.

      This proposal will have the effect of putting the larger patent attorney firms even more in charge of who gets into the profession by raising qualification even further out of the reach of the hand of the smaller firms and their trainees.

    5. Why do you think the proposal "raises qualification even further out of the reach of the hand of the smaller firms and their trainees"?
      With the (unchanged) EQE syllabus being tested in smaller chunks, and spread over time, I think it becomes more like a normal university study-test-cycle than like the current BigBang scenario. Easier to manage for candidates, easier to manage for supervisors. And easier to plan your work without a two-week interruption to take all main exam papers in a row as in EQE 2022.

    6. The total EQE test hours is reduced in the proposal compared to what it is now.

  3. I think it is a good proposal.

    If the introduce this already with EQE 2024, it will have the same rushed-too-much issues as the first Pre-Exams with the way-too-high pass levels with pass rates over 99% and as this year's e-EQE with an immature system with too many restrictions and too little functionality. I fear it will then have technical problems and design problems with the candidates sitting the papers again being guinea pigs. Take more time to prevent these problems!


    1. I agree - I know the EQE2021 exam shift to online has been forced upon the EPO but it is clear the system is not well adapted at all to the papers. Many many candidates spent so much time preparing to adapt online rather than revising and this has an adverse effect on exam performance. Paper B and Paper C were perfect examples of this where the papers are not easily adapted to the online format.

      Take time to prepare the next one. The EQE2021 should be a lesson.

    2. It's fair to say 2021 EQE haven't gone well and the papers were clearly not adapted for candidates adequately. The system they have come up with is far too complicated and confusing.its just not good

  4. There is a document now in myEQE saying the results would be available individually and expected in July.

    1. I received a similar document. Hopping for good news!

  5. The EPO needs to make practice tests available for candidates which accurately reflect the testing environment.

    For example, for each set of papers from 2010 to 2019:

    1/ Paper C to present it in two parts. Candidates cannot do this themselves without becoming intimately familiar with the subject-matter, and such familiarity makes the subject unsuitable for use as a practice test under real conditions.

    2/ Delete all French and English versions of D-I papers.

    3/ Flip the text left-to-right in all papers.

    1. "2/ Delete all French and English versions of D-I papers", hahaha, that is a good one :-P

    2. am with you 100% - don't forget to randomly redact parts of the papers C to reflect that common daily occurrence that you can only get half of the claims and random paragraphs of a patent from the Register at a time! Yet you need to press ahead with your opposition...

    3. In my opinion, the register-not-available trick was a creative solution to cut a 5 hour long C paper into two parts. If only they would also had paid some care to what prior art to give in part 1... The split made the paper badly balanced. It may be that it was done last-minute and in a hurry, but as 2000 candidates need to take the exam, a high degree of care and caution from the committee in adapting the paper could have been expected... but they did not meet that expectation.


    Monday, 21 June 2021 | 13:00 – 16:00 CEST

    1. I hope they modernise the part where they send us our results!

  7. fingers crossed18 June 2021 at 13:41

    Examiners' reports are available online. Good luck everyone !

    1. Hopefully the results will be sent out soon!

  8. it seems today we'll only have the examiner's report

  9. It seems like the same inhumane people that thought it was a great idea to issue a PR statement totally minimizing the trauma of D1-1 were also in charge of the decision to send us these examiner's reports on a Friday in order to stress candidates out needlessly for an entire weekend.

  10. Aren't the report and the results usually published together or at least in close proximity?

    I wonder what the malfunction is this time?
    Is it that they only issued results for the German-language candidates?
    Do we need to log into Zendesk?
    Do we have to be on camera in order to consult the results?
    Can I go to the toilet yet?

  12. Are the Germans having results yet?

  13. OK, who else has spent the last four hours reloading myEQE?

    1. Adding insult to injury18 June 2021 at 17:24

      I'm with you there, what a way to ruin a lovely Friday for people.

    2. Ме,I was reloading several times; it's good that I'm doing some repairs at home and deal with some masters otherwise I would die from worries...I agree it's unhuman to put examiner's reports without results on Friday night

  14. Absolutely cruel from the EPO. Why release the report without the results. Now its made me so anxious. I PROBABLY failed A, B and C looking at these reports. It's horrible what the EPO has done to candidates.

  15. So so so cruel. Its a disgrace at the way the EPO is treating candidates this year. No consideration or thought given. Very insensitive.

    The reports without results has only increased my anxiety and worries. There is also no consideration of the exam difficulties this year along with horrible formatting issues and others. This is not acknowledged but is probably the main reason why I've failed this year, especially B and C.

  16. It's terrible to release exam reports without letting candidates know. Looking at these answers does not give me any help. Need to resit next year.

    Very inconsiderate by the EPO

  17. Just a horrible feeling now. Gut wrenching seeing these answers in the report. Difficult to sleep in the next few weeks waiting for the confirmation of results.

  18. There has been a number of disappointing things that have been coming out of the EPO directed to candidates. The wiseflow platform fiasco,language-gate of paper D and papers A,B and C not being adequately adapted for the eEQE. The disastrous PR announcement and now releasing reports without results for candidates. All of these actions creates hurt for many candidates. Please be more considered in your actions.

  19. This is just sadistic. No way am I going to read those reports before I get my results. What would be the point? I'd have to spend several hours trying to add up the marks and there would still be no guarantee that I would get it right, so it's pointless really. If this kind of treatment is what the EPO employees have to put up with, they have my sympathy.

  20. That's just evil from the EPO to release this before candidates results. I PROBABLY failed A,B and C looking at these reports and now m worried sick. it's an anxious, nervous wait for the results to come back. Why release them before the results? It's cruel to candidates

  21. Terrible timing from the EPO. They just don't learn from their mistakes or is it arrogance. Feels like they keeping putting candidates down.

  22. Relations between candidates and the EPO exam committee is low and fricitous. Here's another example of the EPO acting with little thought for candidates.
    Just can't trust what the EPO is doing.

  23. Dissatisfied and disillusioned with the EPO.

  24. It's unbearable and slightly cruel to release answers before results. Could someone let everyone know when results are out. I've been refreshing the my EQE pages for a day now. Surely they must release it now.

  25. This latest act by the EPO shows once again the lack of respect, at least that's how I've been feeling, from the EPO to candidates.

  26. Please provide your comments to the Examiners' Reports to our blogs for the cariou papers.

    See http://eqe-deltapatents.blogspot.com/2021/06/e-eqe-2022-examiners-reports-available.html and the links at the end of that blog post.

  27. Interesting sequence indeed... publishing Examiners' Reports but not yet providing the results, and also not indicating when the results will be send out... (in 2019, the results became available one day BEFORE the Examiners' Report; and statistics were made available one week later; in 2018, results one week before the Ex Rep) But it seems likely that they will become available quickly!

    Please provide your comments to the Examiners' Reports to our blogs for the various papers.

    See http://eqe-deltapatents.blogspot.com/2021/06/e-eqe-2022-examiners-reports-available.html and the links at the end of that blog post.

  28. So what will happen with candidates who did not pass all papers prior to this modular change? What will they resit?


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