EQE 2021 (pre-exam and main exam) announced in OJ EPO

OJ 2019, A98 comprises the Announcement of the European qualifying examination 2021 – Pre‑examination and main examination.

The Annoucement includes a lot of detail. Please refer to the original Notice for all detail. This blog post only serves to inform you on the existence of the annoucements.

A few main items from the Annoucement:

Updates to our L-, P- and D-books for EQE2020

In view of legal changes that only became known after our Questions and Answers books were published, which supersede and/or supplemente some of the legal references (OJ, case law) in our books, we provide three update documents on our website, for our books:

Each document comprises updates and corrections to the Introduction, the Study Guide (not in the P-book), Questions and Answers in the books in view of:

  • Publications in OJ EPO after the Book was printed (OJ July 2019 – 31 Oct 2019) - incl. the new ADA/AAD (in force since 1 October 2019);
  • Publications in PCT Newsletter after the Book was printed (PCT NL July 2019 – 31 Oct 2019);
  • New How to Get Guide (19th edition, issued 7 October 2019, updated to 1 April 2019);
  • Corrections to the questions and answers;
  • Answers to referrals G 1/18 and G 2/19 (not yet in OJ).

Note that the legal syllabus is defined as valid on 31 October 2019 (Rule 2 IPREE), on which the November 2018-edition of the Guidelines GL/EPO and GL/PCT-EPO was in force.

We thank all who provided any comments and all candidates who participated in our legal training courses, as well as those that gave feedback on our material via email, for useful feedback. Any further comments are highly appreciated.

References EQE2020

For EQE 2020, the legal status on 31 October 2019 is the relevant date.

As some of the information on the various websites (EPO, WIPO/PCT) may have superseded the versions applicable on 31 October when you look for the information, we made a compilation of various legal references.

Note: We do not intend to be complete: you will not find all documents listed in the IPREE in our compilation. See Art. 13 REE and  Rule 22 IPREE for the official syllabus.

We have made 4 compilations:

  1. EQE
  2. EPC
  3. EPO and EPC (EPO information)
  4. PCT (WIPO information)
The references can be found on our website: Training--> Course links, item EQE (top right of page)

The compilations are provided as pdf-files. You may wish to print (parts of each of) them on A5-format yourself or let them be printed as an A4- or A5-size book on thinner paper by a company like pumbo.nl.

The references may be useful in addition to your standard EPC Reference books, such as Hoekstra's References to the EPC.

The 4 parts comprise: