Tutors' report EQE 2017 available in epi Information 4/2017
The Tutors' report on the EQE 2017 papers (pdf), byLuis Ferreira (PT), Andrew Hards (DE), Margaret Mackett (BE), Harrie Marsman (NL), Sander van Rijnswou (NL), and Roel van Woudenberg (NL, editor), has been published in epi Information 4/2017 (page 20-29).
Each year in September-October, the European Patent Academy and the epi arrange a meeting between EQE tutors and the Examination Committees. The goals are to discuss last year's papers, to improve future EQE's by openly exchanging ideas and to help tutors prepare candidates for next year's exam.
The Examination Board has kindly given the tutors permission to publish their own report of the important points so that candidates can more easily find this information. In addition, the comments can greatly assist when reading and interpreting the official EQE Compendium.
This year's meeting was held in Munich, already on September 8. The participant list showed 80 registered participants (tutors and further registered EPO and epi members from the Academy, EQE Secretariat and epi Institute) and 14 registered Committee and Board members.
This Tutors' Report appears each year in the end of year edition of epi Information. It contains the following sections:
1. Pass rates EQE 2017
2. General remarks
3. Paper A
4. Paper B
5. Paper C
6. Paper D
7. Pre-Exam
The Report can be read online via this link, epi Information 4/2017 is also available as pdf.
1. Pass rates EQE 2017
2. General remarks
3. Paper A
4. Paper B
5. Paper C
6. Paper D
7. Pre-Exam
The Report can be read online via this link, epi Information 4/2017 is also available as pdf.
Regarding question 18.4 of the pre-exam ("vibrations"/"vibrator"), I'm pleased to see that the discussions in the comments section of the DeltaPatents pre-exam blog have been noted.