Information on the enrolment for A, B, C and D papers at the EQEs 2025 and 2026 - effects of introduction of New EQE

Today, the Examination Secretariat published a Notice with information on the enrolment for the EQEs 2025 and 2026.

The Notice says (cited without any changes except for added emphasis, added links and clarification added in square brackets):

Notice from the Examination Secretariat – Information on the enrolment for the EQEs 2025 and 2026

Requirements for sitting main examination papers A, B, C or D

In 2025, papers A, B, C, D will be offered, governed by the REE of 2009 and corresponding IPREE. This follows from Article 27(2)(a) REE 2025 in conjunction with Article 11(7) REE 2009. 

This means that passing the pre-examination is and remains a precondition for taking the main examination papers A, B, C, or D in 2025.


For candidates who did not pass the pre-examination [in 2024 or in an earlier year], there is no opportunity to sit or re-sit the pre-examination in 2025 (Article 25(6) REE 2025) [as it is no longer held]. 
These candidates may
  • sit the examination under the REE 2025 [New EQE] i.e., starting with the paper F in 2025 [or in a later year, and proceed in the New EQE system with M1-M4 while they are being introduced in the following years],
  • sit the one or more main examination papers (A, B, C, D) [of the "old" EQE] in 2026 [and only in 2026] since no pre-examination will be required (Articles 25(6) and 27(2)(b) REE 2025).


Recognition of results in papers A, B, C or D from the 2025 and 2026 EQEs

In line with Articles 25(1) and 27 REE 2025, it is clarified that a “PASS” result achieved in papers A, B, C, or D during 2025 and 2026 can be used for exemption from future examination papers, as specified in Article 25(2)(b) to (e) REE 2025.
[Note that a "COMPENSABLE FAIL" does not give any exemption]. 

This option is available to all candidates who sat the EQE under the REE of 2009, regardless of the examination year.  
